What is Minimalism?

Minimalism itself is not just a style of décor. It holds the fundamental view of making things as simple as possible – to remove everything that is not essential or necessary. Minimalism has been adopted by artists, interior designers and decorators, fashion designers, music composers, and even app and web designers. 

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The Origins of Minimalism

The minimalism that we know today was influenced by several different movements. One early artistic movement that can be credited with having a hand in the birth of minimalism is De Stijl, which originated in the Netherlands in 1917. This style moved away from impressionistic art that expressed the artist’s point of view in favor of a more abstract and simplified perspective. Minimalistic art and design focused the attention entirely on the object or element that was depicted. The movement was also influenced by the work of architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The focus of his designs was based on having as little structural framework as possible and maximizing open space. Van der Rohe is said to have coined the phrase: “Less is more.”

Japanese design and culture, along with Zen Buddhism and its emphasis on simplicity, also influenced the minimalist décor trend. In minimalism, there is the underlying philosophy of practicing non-attachment while focusing on the present moment. It aims to focus your attention on the object or the activity you are engaging with at that specific moment.  As the minimalist movement grew, the design style influenced the makers of consumer products like Braun and Ikea. 

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Why is Minimalist Décor so Appealing?

Minimalist décor focuses on clean lines and removing everything that is not needed. By nature, it removes clutter and anything that may distract you from enjoying your space. By eliminating physical clutter and things that needlessly take up space in your surroundings, you also remove mental clutter. By creating an environment that is calm and peaceful outside, you encourage feelings of calm and peace on the inside. 

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How to Incorporate Minimalist Design and Décor Into Your Space

Make the phrase ‘Less is more’ your mantra when decorating. Only add things into a space that are absolutely needed. Remember that design elements like paintings or pictures could either be unnecessary or essential. They can create visual clutter, or make a space inviting and create the feeling you want to have when you exist in it. Minimalism does not mean that you don’t use decorative items. Instead, it focuses on only using as many as needed – and no more. 

One way to achieve this is to remove as many things as possible until the space no longer feels or looks as you want it to. Then add the last item that you removed.  Focus on details. Because you aim to have as little stuff in a space as possible, each and every piece of furniture or decorative object should be chosen with intent. It should add value to the space. 

Minimalist décor often incorporates simple colors, like monochromatic combinations of black and whites or greys. You could use other color combinations or add one or two colorful items to a space to create a focal point or contrast. These items should always be chosen with intention, just like every other feature in your minimalist-designed space. Minimalistic décor incorporates clean lines and sticks to the phrase ‘Less is more.’ It focuses on removing clutter and only making use of necessary elements and bringing value to the space. 

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Written by Merchandising Dept

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