Fall color schemes aren’t just about oranges and reds; there is a smorgasbord of fall colors that you can bring into your home to make it feel cozy and welcoming. Think of the colors of changing leaves; think about deep greens of evergreen trees and dark, moody blues that mimic cloudy skies. Using these colors sparingly, mixed with a neutral palette, will create a space that is perfect for welcoming friends over or spending relaxing evenings in when the weather turns chilly.

Reds like candy, apple, and berry create a warm and welcoming feel while adding a pop of color to a room. This bright color works well for accent pieces like scatter cushions on armchairs. Deep oranges give a sense of comfort, hinting at evenings spent in front of the fireplace. It is reminiscent of pumpkins and the leaves falling outside. Go for burnt orange, light corals, peach, or terracotta to add a subtle fall color element to a room. Neutral colors like wheat, stone, gray, cream, and caramel make the perfect background for fall-inspired home décor.

Add dark greens like moss, olive, or emerald green to invite in the feeling of nature. They work well with warm oranges or yellows like mustard or dark blues like navy or peacock blue. Blues like indigo and teal hints at clear blue skies, while deeper blues like Prussian blue, midnight blue, or denim imitate stormy clouds. Blues work well with neutral colors, greens, and oranges.

When decorating with fall colors, aim for creating a space that is warm and welcoming. Use bright colors sparingly – keeping them to a few accent pieces to avoid creating the sense that the room has turned into a pumpkin patch. Still, don’t be afraid to add that intense color – one (or two) deep-colored walls could transform your space from a neutral canvas to a masterpiece, inviting you in to sit by the fire.